Dentist Eindhoven

Searching for Dentist Eindhoven? Full-service dental practice “Tandheelkundig Centrum Hanevoet” is at your service when you are looking for a dentist in Eindhoven.

It is important to have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year. When you visit our dental clinic in Eindhoven, the dentist will check your teeth and gums to see if it’s all still healthy.

Poor brushing can result in cavities. Cavities can result in irreparable damage. Therefore good oral care is very important for the preservation of your teeth. Our dentists & dental hygienists can make a plan with you to ensure that your teeth and gums remain healthy.

General dentistry includes all treatments that keep your teeth healthy. These are mainly basic treatments. The dentist will conduct an oral examination to give advice about the required treatments that will ensure you maintain beautiful and healthy teeth.

Preventing dental problems

It is important to take good care of your teeth and gums between dental visits. Dental plaque is a problem that keeps coming back, but this can be managed well by brushing your teeth and using soft-picks regularly. Below are a few tips for taking good care of your mouth:

– Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Toothpaste with fluoride is recommended.
– Use toothpicks for your teeth daily. Interdental soft-picks are recommended.

It is important to have your teeth checked by a dentist regularly to prevent problems and complaints. Some examples of our common general treatments are: periodic check-ups, wisdom tooth extraction, cavity filling, root canal treatment and oral hygiene.


Go to the dentist for complaints such as:


The dentist checks your teeth and solves dental problems. The dental hygienist helps you to optimally maintain your oral hygiene to reduce the risk of cavities. Do you suffer from cavities? Then make an appointment so that our dentists can remedy your complaints. You can call us on 040 – 252 42 67.

Dental plaque

Dental plaque is a layer of bacteria that builds up on your teeth and gums. It is the biggest cause of cavitites. The bacteria in the plaque produce acids that affect the enamel layer of your teeth. Over time, this will lead to a loss of enamel in the tooth. This can damage the surface of your tooth which results in a cavity.


Dental plaque hardens when it is not removed by a dental hygienist for too long. Tartar is a hard calcium layer that accumulates on your teeth. It is very rough and can easily retain food residues. This can result in the discoloration of your teeth and cavities. Tartar causes inflammation of your gums and can also cause a bad breath. So there are plenty of reasons to prevent the build-up of tartar.

Persistent bad breath and/or bad taste

A bad breath often leaves you with a metallic and sour taste in your mouth. This is caused by the bacteria that settle in the deep grooves on the back of the tongue.

You can prevent this by brushing your teeth and using a tongue cleaner daily. The use of toothpicks also contributes to maintain good oral hygiene. This prevents the bacteria from nesting and causing a bad breath or bad taste. The dentist can refer you to the dental hygienist who will advise you on how to take best care of your oral hygiene.

Sensitive teeth

Good oral hygiene can prevent tooth sensitivity. When brushing, it is important that you don’t use too much force and that you avoid that gums become inflamed. This significantly reduces the risk of sensitive teeth. To achieve this, it is important that you remove all the dental plaque on and between your teeth and molars. This should be done on a daily basis. We recommend you to brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. You can also choose to use a special toothpaste that reduces tooth sensitivity. Brushing teeth should be done for at least 2 minutes without too much force and with a soft toothbrush. Also clean the spaces between the teeth with toothpicks daily.

Healthy teeth

Are your teeth and gums healthy? Then a visit to your dentist usually doesn’t take long at all. The dentist will perform a checkup and if necessary, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned. Would you like to know how to keep your teeth as healthy as possible? Then make an appointment at ‘Dental Centre Hanevoet’ and we will explain how you can keep your teeth healthy and strong.

We recommend scheduling a combined appointment with your dentist and dental hygienist twice a year. The dentist checks your teeth for problems and the oral hygienist provides a thorough cleaning of your teeth, molars and gums. In addition, our specialists give advice about the best care of your mouth. Make an appointment at our modern dental practice in Eindhoven center.

Periodic check-ups 

A periodic checkup ensures that your teeth remain in good health. It is also good for your general health. On average, the treatment takes about fifteen minutes and is completely painless. If you have a periodic checkup performed by Dental Centre Hanevoet, you will benefit from several advantages.

In addition to the general checkup, we can also perform extra procedures. These extra procedures can include x-rays and the removal of tartar. By having your teeth checked periodically, you can prevent problems and reduce the chance of expensive treatments.

Cavity filling Eindhoven

The moment you have a cavity, it should be filled as soon as possible. If you wait too long to have a cavity filled, your tooth will hurt more and more. We therefore recommend you to make an appointment as soon as possible at Dental Centre Hanevoet in Eindhoven.

How does the dentist fill a cavity?

Filling a hole is done in three steps: observation, drilling and filling. We explain the three steps below for you.

In the first step, the cavity is diagnosed. Our dentists can recognize a cavity at a very early stage, before it starts to hurt. A cavity only hurts when it is in an advanced stage. By having your teeth checked regularly, you can avoid painful and expensive treatments. When the dentist detects a cavity, he will advise you about the options for filling the cavity. You can choose to have the hole filled with anesthesia, but also for a treatment without anesthesia.

The next step in the process is drilling. If you have opted for anesthesia, you will receive a local anesthetic in the area to be treated. Then the dentist gets to work. At first, the dentist drills away the decay so that the hole is clearly visible and acid and bacteria can no longer spread.

Then the hole is filled with a composite filling. This is a white filling. The filling itself does not hurt and when the anesthesia wears off, you will not feel any after pain. After the treatment you can immediately drink and eat again. On average it takes 30 minutes to fill a hole. 

Wisdom teeth extraction Eindhoven

If you are suffering from your wisdom tooth, it may need to be pulled by an expert dentist. The pain may be caused by the tooth pressing on the jaw or by the tooth growing crookedly due to lack of space in the mouth. In the last scenario, it is wise to have the molar pulled. If you are having pain, it is always wise to come and get advice from a dentist at Dental Centre Hanevoet.

How is a wisdom tooth pulled?

The removal of a wisdom tooth can be divided into 3 steps: taking pictures, removing the molar and the post-treatment. We explain the steps for you:

If your wisdom tooth is bothering you, the dentist will first take a picture. He then checks to see if the tooth is growing crookedly. If it is, then the wisdom tooth probably needs to be pulled. If the gums are already inflamed or the wisdom tooth is too deep in the gums, you will be referred to the oral surgeon.

In the second step, the wisdom tooth is pulled. At first, you will be given an anesthetic to ensure that the treatment is done with as little pain as possible. Then the dentist will move the gums aside and make room to remove the molar. He moves the molar slightly, which in most cases allows him to extract the molar in one pull. Then we stitch the wound and place a gauze pad on it. You should bite down on this thoroughly for 30 minutes. The removal of a wisdom tooth takes an average of 15 minutes.

The anesthesia still works for a while, but you should take a paracetamol an hour before the treatment. The anesthesia stops working a few hours after the treatment. Then the pain returns and we recommend that you take another painkiller if necessary.

Root canal treatment Eindhoven

A root canal treatment is performed when you are suffering from severe toothache caused by inflamed pulp in your tooth. To help you get rid of your pain the nerve will have to be removed. In this way new inflammations are immediately prevented. Therefore, a root canal treatment is also called a nerve treatment.

How does a root canal treatment go?

We perform a root canal treatment in a couple of steps, and when necessary we spread it out over two appointments. We do this so that the treatment is as pleasant as possible. When multiple appointments are needed, we try to schedule them as close together as possible. We recommend that you put as little strain on your teeth as possible between the appointments.

At the first appointment, we will take an x-ray of your teeth. This allows us to see how the roots lie in your jawbone. Then you will be given a local anesthetic to ensure that you do not experience pain during the treatment. After that, the dentist will remove the inflamed tissue by making a small opening in the tooth. The next step is to clean the root canals. Once this is done, we will start filing and prepare the canals for the new filling. If we can complete the entire root canal treatment in one appointment, then you will receive a permanent filling. Do you still need a second appointment? Then we’ll place a temporary filling that will be replaced for the permanent filling at the next appointment.

At the 2nd appointment, the dentist removes the temporary filling. Then the permanent filling is placed. It consists of cement that is well absorbed by the human body. In order to close the root canal properly and stably, we push a pin in the cement against the canal wall. Now the root canal is closed, it can heal.

New patients

Do you not have a dentist in Eindhoven yet? Dental Centre Hanevoet accepts new patients! During your first visit your teeth will be thoroughly checked. In some cases it is necessary to take pictures of your teeth. If you are new to Dental Centre Hanevoet, you can schedule your first appointment by contacting us by phone.

Make an appointment

Do you want to make an appointment with the dentist directly? You can do so online through the contact page. Or you can make an appointment by contacting us by phone.

Cancel an appointment

You can cancel an appointment up to 24 hours before the treatment starts, free of charge. This can be done by contacting Dental Centre Hanevoet by phone. Are you too late to cancel the appointment? Then the costs will be charged. Monday appointments can be cancelled free of charge on Friday up to the time of the appointment on Monday. Appointments on the day after a national holiday can be cancelled free of charge at the latest on the working day before until the time of the appointment.